Growing Back and Maintaining Thick, Strong Edges

I’ve had issues with thinning edges in the past, especially when I was relaxed. In order to regrow and maintain healthy edges, I found a great method that keeps them moisturized. This technique is very effective for the colder months and especially when I’m wearing a protective style. Before you decided to “slick” or “lay your edges,” try this technique.

1.      Lightly spray water (and any essential oil if desired) around your edges. Do not drench!

I spray my Itch Reliever Mixture around my edges. It adds moisture and opens my pores more easily for the next step.

2.      Apply castor oil around your edges.

Castor Oil is a carrier oil that seals in moisture very well. It has vitamin E, proteins and minerals that help moisturize and prevent breakage. It also has antibacterial and antifungal properties that help heal the scalp from scratches and any other damages that may have been inflicted to your scalp.

3.      Apply gel if desired.

If you’re styling your hair in a style that requires you to pull your hair back or use any gel, the first two steps will prepare your edges for the manipulation. The sealed in moisture from the castor oil will prevent breakage and help in growing your edges back if they are thin.

This technique has grown my edges back thicker and stronger for any style I want.

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Here’s the castor oil I use. This brand comes in different scents if you don’t like the original smell. I found this at my local beauty supply store.



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